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    Flutter Developer Salary: Overview

    Flutter is one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks for building mobile apps. The framework runs on Dart programming language and allows developers to create beautiful and fast apps for Android, iOS and the web from a single set of code. Since its release in 2017, Flutter’s popularity has grown steadily, as more developers learn Dart, and more businesses choose Flutter for their apps.

    But how much does it cost to build an app with Flutter? The final figure is a sum of expenses on building app’s features, designing its looks, renting servers and, of course, salaries of those who write the code. In this article, we’ll review the average salary of Flutter developers and what aspects affect their wages.

    Flutter Developer Skills

    First of all, let’s define the main requirements of any Flutter developer — what they should be able to do, regardless of their level of expertise:

    • Writing efficient, clean and concise code. Fewer lines of code mean fewer bugs, and readable code can be easily understood by other developers who might work with it in the future.
    • Knowledge of Agile development methodology. Since most developers today work in cross-functional teams and direct collaboration with the client, it is a must for a Flutter developer to be familiar with key concepts of Agile software development.
    • Soft skills for productive communication. An open-minded individual who is ready to try various approaches to different problems and admit their mistakes is more likely to succeed in a collaborative effort of developing mobile app than a person bereft of such traits.

    Average Flutter Developer Salary

    Two main factors that determine the cost of hiring a software developer are location and level of expertise.

    Hiring a developer in the US, for example, where Flutter developer salary per hour can be as high as $150, may not be the best choice for a startup or small business, when there are many options of hiring skilled professionals from other regions of the world for 3-4 times less money. On the contrary, developers from Ukraine have average hourly rates of $37, while the country’s programmers are considered among the most skillful in the world. Another example: Flutter developer salary in Canada is around $55,000 per year, while in the Philippines it is only $11,000. That’s why it pays off to hire remote developers from Eastern Europe, Asia and South America, despite possible drawbacks in the forms of different time zones, language and cultural barriers. Learn more about the best places to hire software developers in our dedicated study. 

    As well as other programmers, Flutter developers can be divided into three main groups according to their level of experience.

    Junior developers have about one year of experience writing code in Dart, know how to use Flutter third-party libraries, and have at least an intermediate level of English. As part of a team, they can work on not-too-crucial aspects of the app, such as assisting in initial project planning, creating features already defined by senior programmers, and fixing minor bugs.

    Middle specialists usually have 2-4 years of experience developing apps for iOS and Android. They know how to use Git, Jenkins and automated testing. Mid-level developers work on bigger parts of code at once and can be trusted with such tasks as finding bugs, code improvement, test planning, as well as helping junior developers.

    Senior developers are professionals with over 5 years of experience. Such programmers have experience with app optimization for Material Design and Swift; they can handle the whole development cycle, from initial planning to app deployment, while their vast expertise helps with handling complex problems and delivering desired results. Also, it is common for seniors to manage a team of junior and middle developers, set goals and mentor them.

    Below you will find a table with average Flutter developer salaries depending on their location and level of expertise.

    Junior, Middle, Senior Flutter developer salaries in different regions

    Flutter vs Native Developers

    Compared to salaries of Android and iOS developers (who write code on Kotlin or Swift programming languages) Flutter developers’ rates tend to be slightly higher. According to a study conducted in the spring of 2020, Swift and Kotlin developers from Russia earned about $25,000 per year, while annual Dart developer salary was $32,000. The same picture can be seen in other regions: Flutter developer salary in India is around $9,000, while native developers earn only $7,000-8,000 per year.

    Currently, writing code on Dart language is more expensive than native development, but if you plan to build apps for both Android and iOS, it actually becomes cheaper with Flutter — the code has to be written only once for both platforms. For example, when Surf had to develop 6 apps for “Rigla” pharmaceutical chain (Android and iOS app for each of 3 brands), we managed to do it with a single code base, which saved Rigla 40% of the project’s initial budget.

    Things to Consider When Hiring Developers

    Before setting off on a quest of talent hunting for your project, it is worth considering several important aspects to discuss with potential employees. This will help you choose the most suitable candidates and negotiate the best terms of cooperation.

    App type. What category does your app belong to? Do you plan to build the whole business around the app, or will it be more of an extension of the business?

    Experience and skills. Depending on the app type, consider what developer’s level of experience is required. If you want to start from a quick prototype or an MVP, a single junior or middle developer might be enough at this stage.

    Remote or in-house. Does it suit your business to have a team of developers working remotely from another country or even another continent? This might save a lot of money on salary expenses, but might not work out if you prefer to have regular face-to-face discussions and meetings with employees.

    Budget. Discuss with developers the costs for development of app’s each feature and don’t forget to include expenses on other aspects of mobile development: UX design, maintenance, testing, deployment.

    Timeline. Discuss timeframe of the development. When do you want to try out the app’s prototype? When do you plan to have the first public release?

    Portfolio and references. Check candidates’ portfolios and try out the app they’ve worked on. This will give many insights into their prior experience. For interviews after the initial assessment, our article on Flutter interview questions might come in handy.

    Aim for long-term relationships. Every app needs maintenance, bug fixing and updates. If you plan to hand the app to an in-house team after release, request the developers to work carefully on the app’s documentation. Every app developed by Surf is well-documented and based on standard SurfGear architecture: so it’s easy for new developers to start working on it or turn it into a completely in-house project.


    Flutter developer salary is mainly affected by the specialist’s experience and geographical location. Because the technology is steadily growing in popularity, there are many programmers to choose from, depending on the required skill-set and geographical location. Carefully analyze your needs to narrow down the scope of the search and find programmers suitable for your app’s complexity and budget size. When interviewing candidates, don’t forget to define clear development timeframes and discuss such aspects as the app’s documentation and future maintenance.

    If you want to make things a little easier and focus on other tasks instead of setting your own HR department and screening candidate’s applications, trust your project to a development company, such as Surf. We have 10 years of experience in building mobile apps for various businesses and will handle every stage of the development process. Fill in the form to get an estimation of your project.